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Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009

Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering

Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering is an alternate version of my text, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, Fifth Edition. The contents of both are the same, but the order of presentation differs and Fundamen-tals utilizes newer technologies to enhance teaching and learning.
With regard to the order of presentation, there are two common approaches to teaching materials science and engineering—one that I call the ‘‘traditional’’ approach, the other which most refer to as the ‘‘integrated’’ approach. With the traditional approach, structures/characteristics/properties of metals are presented ?rst, followed by an analogous discussion of ceramic materials and polymers. Introduction, Fifth Edition is organized in this manner, which is preferred by many materials science and engineering instructors. With the integrated approach, one particular structure, characteristic, or property for all three material types is presented before moving on to the discussion of another structure/characteristic/property. This is the order of presentation in Fundamentals.
Probably the most common criticism of college textbooks is that they are too long. With most popular texts, the number of pages often increases with each new edition. This leads instructors and students to complain that it is impossible to cover
all the topics in the text in a single term. After struggling with this concern (trying to decide what to delete without limiting the value of the text), we decided to divide the text into two components. The ?rst is a set of ‘‘core’’ topics—sections of the text that are most commonly covered in an introductory materials course, and second, ‘‘supplementary’’ topics—sections of the text covered less frequently. Furthermore, we chose to provide only the core topics in print, but the entire text(both core and supplementary topics) is available on the CD-ROM that is included with the print component of Fundamentals. Decisions as to which topics to include in print and which to include only on the CD-ROM were based on the results of a recent survey of instructors and con?rmed in developmental reviews. The result is a printed text of approximately 525 pages and an Interactive eText on the CD-ROM, which consists of, in addition to the complete text, a wealth of additional resources including interactive software modules, as discussed below.
The text on the CD-ROM with all its various links is navigated using Adobe Acrobat. These links within the Interactive eText include the following: (1) from the Table of Contents to selected eText sections; (2) from the index to selected topics within the eText; (3) from reference to a ?gure, table, or equation in one section to the actual ?gure/table/equation in another section (all ?gures can beenlarged and printed); (4) from end-of-chapter Important Terms and Concepts to their de?nitions within the chapter; (5) from in-text boldfaced terms to their corresponding glossary de?nitions/explanations; (6) from in-text references to the corresponding appendices; (7) from some end-of-chapter problems to their answers; (8) from some answers to their solutions; (9) from software icons to the corresponding interactive modules; and (10) from the opening splash screen to the supporting web site

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Windows Vista - Customization Manual

windows Vista is a great operating system, with looks that really bring it up to date over its
predecessor – Windows XP. If you are looking to add a personal touch to your installation of Vista, this guide
will help you get started. There are thousands of customizations you can apply
and this guide only scratches the surface. As always, I’ve written this book so anyone can pick it up and
work through it.
I recommend you begin with the ‘Getting Started’ chapter, as this will give you a good foundation for the
rest of the book. A basic knowledge of Windows Vista is required to follow most of the guides; any extra
understanding will come from the above chapter.
Once you have read ‘Getting Started’ chapter, you’re ready to explore the rest of the book and personalize
your machine to match your style. I’m sure there’s something here for everyone, so take a
browse through the contents page and see what strikes your interest.
If you have questions, head to the ‘Contact Me’ section at the back of this book and get in touch

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Minggu, 08 Maret 2009

Visual C++ 6 For Dummies

you'are busy person- much too busy spend your preciuis time reading a long treatise on vicsual C++. you already know something about programming, and you don't need me to tell you hoe to use loops and condiional statementin your code. what yuo do needto know is how visual C++ can help you with windows programming and maybe a reminder now and then of how the syntax o fvarious C++ statement work and what those statement accomplish. and you want to get that information fast

well, you've come to right place. visual C++ for dummies quick reference is specifically design to give you the information you need as quickly as possible so that you can get back to creating cool windows application with nisual C++. keep this handy little reference rightby your computer for those times during marathon coding session when you wonder what a particular menu item means or for when you need a quick fix on a bit of C++ syntax.

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C++ Timesaving Techniques For Dummies 2005

C++ Timesaving Techniques For Dummies is a book for the beginning-to-advanced C++ rogrammer who needs immediate answers to the prob-lems that crop up in the professional software-development world. I assume that you have prior programming experience, as well as experi-ence specifically with the C++ programming language. “Fluff” — like dis- cussions of looping structures or defining variables, or the basics of compiling applications — is kept to a minimum here. Instead, I offer quick, step-by-step instructions for solving specific problems in C++ Each technique includes example code — which you are welcome to use in your own applications, or modify as you see fit. This is literally a caseof “steal this code, please.” C++ is a language that lends itself well to component-based design and implementation. This means that you can take a piece from here and a piece from there to implement the solution that you have in mind.
C++ Timesaving Techniques For Dummies is not an operating-system- specific (or even compiler-specific) book. The techniques and code that you find here should work on all compilers that support the standard C++ language, and on all operating systems for which a standard com piler exists. This book is intended to be as useful to the Unix programmer as to the Microsoft Windows programmer, and just as useful for programming with X-windows as it is for .Net.
My goal in writing this book is to empower you with some of the stronger features of C++, as well as some great tips and methods to solve everyday problems, without the headaches and lost time that go with trying to fig- ure out how to use those tools. C++ provides simple, fast, powerful solutions to meet the demands of day-to-day programming — my goal is to save you time while making the tools clear and easy to use.

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proggramers C for Dummies 2nd Edition

proggramers C for Dummies 2nd Edition

Look at your computer screen. Imagine something happening there. Anything. As long as you know how to program a computer, what you imagine will take place. Okay, maybe not as fast as you like — but it can be done. Programming is the ultimate way to get even
with a computer. You are in charge. You tell the beast what to do. And it will obey you, even when you tell it to do something stupid. Computers are fast and obedient, not smart. Anything your computer does, any devices it talks with or controls, can be manipulated by using a programming language and writing programs that pull the right levers. The C programming language has been crowned the best and
most common way to program any personal computer. C may not be the easi­est programming language to figure out, but it’s not the most difficult, either. It’s tremendously popular and well supported, which makes it a good choice.

What’s New with This Edition?

This book isn’t really the second edition of any previous book, but it does borrow material from the old C For Dummies books, Volumes I and II. This book represents a compilation of basic material from both books. And, by reading this book, you’ll have a broad, basic knowledge of the C language. Unlike the older books, this one is organized on a chapter-by-chapter level, not by lessons. Each chapter is self-contained and, where necessary, cross references to other chapters are included.
Gone are the quizzes and tests. This book has no homework, per se. Alas, this book is only so big, and only so much ground could be covered, given this book’s gentle pace. Because of that, those interested in pursuing the C language further should check out the companion book, C All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Wiley). That book is for more experienced program­mers, which is what you will become after reading this book.

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Rabu, 11 Februari 2009

Engineering Physics 50 Years

Buku "Engineering Physics 50" diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Teknik Fisika ITB dalam memperingati 50 tahun pendidikan Teknik Fisika di Indonesia. Sonny Yuliar sebagai kepala tim penyusun berhasil membuat kompilasi tentang Teknik Fisika dari awal berdirinya, pengembangannya sampai bagaimana kiprah Teknik Fisika dalam masyarakat.
Saya sarankan untuk membaca bagian pertama dan bagian kelima, jika tidak waktu banyak untuk membaca keseluruhan buku. Tapi tetap menyenangkan untuk bisa membaca isi buku, karena kita bisa mengetahui apa pendapat-pendapat tokoh Teknik Fisika.

Bapak Iskandar Danusugondho, Bapak Rachmad Mohamad, Bapak Aloysius Praptowidodo, Bapak Harijadi P. Soepangkat, Bapak R.M. Soegijanto, Bapak Soelardjo Kertoatmodjo dan Bapak Soewarso mengisahkan tentang fasa kontruksi.

Proses "modulasi" Fisika Teknik dituturkan melalui wawancara dengan tokoh berikut: Bapak Hadiwaratama, Bapak Aman Mostavan, Bapak Andrianto Handojo, Bapak Benjamin Soenarko, Ibu Farida I. Muchtadi, Bapak Harijono A. Tjokronegoro, Bapak Amoranto Trisnobudi, Bapak Ida Bagus Ardhana Putra, Bapak Bambang Sunendar, Bapak Edi Leksono, Bapak Ali Mustafa dan Bapak Ajat Sudrajat.

Proses difusi Teknik Fisika disarikan dari wawancara dengan beberapa alumni Teknik Fisika seperti: Bapak Sri Diharto, Bapak Rama Royani, Bapak Budiono Kartohadiprodjo, Bapak Achmad Kalla, Bapak Kusmayanto Kadiman, Bapak Ipung Tjahyadi dan Bapak Herry Hernanto.

Buku dalam PDF format bisa didownload sebagai satu kesatuan dan juga bisa didownload secara terpisah bagian per bagian. Saya rekomendasikan untuk download bagian per bagian, jika kualitas internet tidak bagus.

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Engineering Physics 50 Years

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