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Minggu, 08 Maret 2009

proggramers C for Dummies 2nd Edition

proggramers C for Dummies 2nd Edition

Look at your computer screen. Imagine something happening there. Anything. As long as you know how to program a computer, what you imagine will take place. Okay, maybe not as fast as you like — but it can be done. Programming is the ultimate way to get even
with a computer. You are in charge. You tell the beast what to do. And it will obey you, even when you tell it to do something stupid. Computers are fast and obedient, not smart. Anything your computer does, any devices it talks with or controls, can be manipulated by using a programming language and writing programs that pull the right levers. The C programming language has been crowned the best and
most common way to program any personal computer. C may not be the easi­est programming language to figure out, but it’s not the most difficult, either. It’s tremendously popular and well supported, which makes it a good choice.

What’s New with This Edition?

This book isn’t really the second edition of any previous book, but it does borrow material from the old C For Dummies books, Volumes I and II. This book represents a compilation of basic material from both books. And, by reading this book, you’ll have a broad, basic knowledge of the C language. Unlike the older books, this one is organized on a chapter-by-chapter level, not by lessons. Each chapter is self-contained and, where necessary, cross references to other chapters are included.
Gone are the quizzes and tests. This book has no homework, per se. Alas, this book is only so big, and only so much ground could be covered, given this book’s gentle pace. Because of that, those interested in pursuing the C language further should check out the companion book, C All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (Wiley). That book is for more experienced program­mers, which is what you will become after reading this book.

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